Need Support?
If you’re a child abuse survivor living in the East Midlands and feel you could benefit from the services we provide, then please know that you’re not alone and we’re here to help you. If you are located outside our area, please contact The Survivors Trust.
Our promise is that we’ll believe, we’ll listen and we’ll understand; because we’re survivors too.
Please note our working hours are Monday to Friday, 09:30-17:30.
- Call us: 0115 962 2722
- Email us:

We also receive referrals via:
- GP (General Practitioner)
- CPN (Community Psychiatric Nurse
- Social Worker and other health professionals
- Housing providers
- Women's Aid
- The Tomorrow Project
- Nottingham Self Harm
- The Wellbeing Centre
If you don’t require our services, but have media or general enquiry about Support for Survivors, feel free to contact us:
- Call us: 0115 962 2722
Email us:
You may also find an answer to your query in the About section.
Our address
Feedback & Concerns
Can we improve our services and facilities?
Our staff and volunteers are committed to using feedback and concerns to continually improve our services and facilities. Please get in touch with us using this form and leave an email address if you would like to hear back from us.
Your feedback and concerns are valued and will be handled confidentially in line with our GDPR and Privacy Policies.